Our Values

Optimal Solutions

Founded by an engineer, OptiFi is built not only on experience but also on a set of technical tools that enable us to offer you the optimal solution for growing your wealth. Our methodology is based on determining a balance between:

  • The desired performance
  • Your risk tolerance
  • The preferred investment duration


We strive to offer clear and transparent advice. We are committed to answering all your questions openly and promptly.

When presenting our recommendations, we make sure you understand all the details and implications of each option presented.

Lastly, our fees are based on a combination of complexity, time spent, and the results achieved. We commit to communicating our fees upfront before any agreement is made.

Alignment of Interests

As mentioned above, our compensation is closely tied to the success of your projects. If we are unable to support you successfully, it is clear that no fees will be charged.

OptiFi acts as the guarantor of the proper alignment of interests between all service providers.

We place great importance on ensuring that you fully understand the recommended strategies, as we believe this will make you one of our best ambassadors!