Employee Savings Schemes
Since January 2019, companies that employ less than 50 employees are exempt from the 20% social charges for the implementation of a voluntary participation agreement. The same goes for profit-sharing agreements for companies with fewer than 250 employees. This measure alone makes voluntary profit-sharing agreements much more advantageous for SMEs.
Profit-sharing agreement specific changes (under certain conditions)
- Increase in the individual ceiling for amounts distributed
- Possibility of distributing undistributed sums immediately
- Possibility of integrating a multi-year objective into the calculation of the profit-sharing
Participation agreement specific change
- The sums distributed globally cannot exceed 3 times the annual Social Security ceiling (PASS)
Pension savings schemes
As of October 1, 2019, three new savings products will be available. Two relate to corporate retirement savings: the group PER which will replace the PERCO and the PER Cat in place of the “Article 83” contracts. On an individual level, an individual PER (PERin) is created which can accommodate the current PERP or Madelin retirement contracts.
The fundamental points of the reform relate to:
- The portability of the assets saved on all types of contracts
- The possibility of to use the capital in one or more installments (annuities)
- Savings may be released in advance, particularly in the case of a main residence acquisition
All the modifications and new devices are detailed below:
Various employee savings plans
PER Collectif
Formerly known as PERCO, the Collective Retirement Savings Plan (PER Collectif) is a flexible employee savings plan that can be fed from various sources (participation, profit-sharing, voluntary payment).
In addition, the company and the employees benefit from advantageous tax and social conditions.